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Category: Erie Stories

Transferable Skills: The Path to Success

Transferable Skills: The Path to Success

In a rapidly evolving job market, sometimes it seems like the only constant is change. We’ve seen once-hot careers displaced by automation, whole industries disrupted by new technology, or job sites moving to other states — or even other countries. Not to mention a pandemic forever changing our concept of “the workplace,” introducing hybrid environments that many of us were never exposed to pre-pandemic. While...

Coach vs. Mentor: What Can They do for Your Professional Development?

Coach vs. Mentor: What Can They do for Your Professional Development?

Whether it’s in our personal lives, athletic activities or professional endeavors, many of us have relied on the guiding hand of a trusted third party to help overcome challenges. Our first encounter may have been a grade school coach who helped us learn how to hit a ball or shave a few seconds off the mile run. Later, we may have been mentored in our...

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